Cotton Cuts Puzzle Mystery Quilt Along
It's been a minute since I've posted any blog writing on my blog page. I'm going to rectify that by writing about a cool Quilt Along that I have been fortunate enough to participate in since 2019. I decided that I wanted to share what it's about and how much I have enjoyed creating a quilt from mystery clues as well as building my skill set as a newbie quilt builder.
So what is a PMQ? PMQ stands for Puzzle Mystery Quilt. Every month I receive clue instructions for developing the parts of a quilt for that month. There are ten months of clues produced using pre-cut triangles, squares, and rectangles along with strips. Cotton Cuts does all the cutting of these pieces. All I have to do is follow the instructions on building the clue each month.
During month ten we receive the final instructions to take all the clues and begin to sew them together to make a quilt top. It's a lot of fun watching the clues transform into something beautiful! Also on the tenth month, Cotton Cuts goes live to reveal the quilt. Cotton Cuts offers two different sizes for the PMQs.
Small Size 48" X 60"
Large Size 72" X 72"
Cotton Cuts offers a spring PMQ and a fall PMQ. Both will overlap each other for a couple of months.
I will be writing a blog once a month for the newest PMQ so that I can share the process of creating a clue. It will be fun to share with you the final results. I will post all links at the end of the blog for how to become involved in becoming a detective for the PMQ.
Village Green - Begonia
I chose the Begonia colorway for the Spring PMQ. The fabric used for this colorway is all batiks. (Seaside by Artisan Batiks for Robert Kaufman Fabrics) I love batiks. I love how vibrant the colors can be not to mention it's fun to sew as well. I will share with you the steps taken to create clue one of the PMQ along with pictures of each step.
This is everything that came in Clue one the kit
When Cotton Cuts opens signups for the PMQ Subscription, several different colorways will be available for a person to choose from. Cotton Cuts also makes available the choice to purchase an oops kit (used for replacement of mistakes made during the sewing process) as well as a thread kit and if a person wants to make their quilt even larger, extra borders are also available for purchase at the initial signing up.
Oops kit
I chose to purchase two oops kits along with the thread kit. Below is a photo of what came for clue one.
Thread with Begonia Kit
Now I will describe what I do to make a monthly clue as well as write about the different things a potential detective might want to know about.
Clue 1 - Village Green (Begonia)
When I open clue 1 of my kit I pull out the brochure that comes with the kit. Each detective should keep this brochure for the entire ten months because it has the colorway on the back with the labels of letters marking each color. This is very important. The clue cannot be followed if the color card is lost.
Aurifil 50wt 100% Cotton Thread
On the front of the brochure is the colorway sample along with the name of Spring PMQ (Village Green) and the name of the colorway (Begonia). I chose the Begonia colorway. Cotton Cuts has offered several different colorways for someone to choose from. There will be a hashtag (ex: #Team Begonia) for when each clue is finished, which can be shared online and the hashtag will add your finished clue to others who are doing the same clue.
Front page of the Brochure
On the second page, there are Puzzle Mystery Quilt "Tips and Tricks" along with a "Mark Your Calendar" for Fall 2023. The Fall PMQ opens for signups on May 28th with the first clue shipping out on July 2023. This will have an all-new choice of colorways as well as the beginning of a new mystery. 
Page 2 of brochure
On page 3 there is information about missing pieces or something wrong with the clue itself, and where to go for help.
Cotton Cuts Puzzle Mystery Support Cotton Cuts' customer service is exceptional and they will do whatever they need to do to resolve the issues that could happen.
On page 3 there are PMQ shipping dates along with providing information on where to go to become a member of the FB group. The FB group is exclusive to the PMQ detectives.
Mystery Quilters There is also an email to contact a team member at Cotton Cuts. (
When I start a clue, I take the clue out of the shipping bag along with the instructions. I lay out each precut based on the color they are and then I take Alphabitties to label each block. I put them in order this way so that not only am I making sure there are no pieces missing but I"m also organizing them so that when I start to sew each piece together I don't make a mistake while sewing them. Labeling them makes it so much easier for me.
Begonia colorway, #TeamBegonia
On the back of the brochure, there is a colorway with each color labeled. The other thing that is on the back is how to become a detective for the Puzzle Mystery QAL.
Cotton Cuts PMQ - How to Get Started

A gift that is sent with the first PMQ
Inside the first clue also comes with a gift. Throughout the ten months, there might be one or two mystery gifts that are placed inside the clue.
Cotton Cuts Color Challenge Card
Inside the Puzzle Mystery Quilt Along there will be a Cotton Cuts Block of the Month that is used for the CC Color Challenge. On one side there is a block with measurement directions and a good graphic of the block that will be made.
Cotton Cuts Color Challenge
On the back of the same card is a coloring page. Color the card and then upload it to Cotton Cuts and tag it with #CCColorChallenge. Coloring the card and uploading it with the tag, gives a person a chance to win a prize from Cotton Cuts. If the card is colored and a block is made out of the fabric of the same block as the card, it can also be entered into the drawing. So that means two chances of winning a prize.
I have participated both ways and won a couple of times! It's lots of fun sharing the coloring cards along with a sewing block. Below is an example of one of the blocks I made from the coloring card.
One other piece of advice: Make sure you join the Mystery Quilters Facebook page! By being part of the group, there are many who can help a person when they need help! Also every third Thursday, Cotton Cuts opens a Zoom meeting for PMQ Detectives. This is a great place to make new friends, to sew with all who are detectives, and also a good place to ask any questions you might have! I have made some really nice friends and I feel so blessed to have met so many nice sewers! Come sew with us, you will enjoy the comradery.